
The physics research presented on this site is in fractal scaling, discrete and continuous, self-similar cosmology and dynamics using an explicitly defined framework. I’ve slowly evolved this framework based on a simply derived scale factor S between macroscopic and quantum systems (between star systems and atomic systems) and its subsequent transformation equations. The core hypothesis is that macroscopic and quantum cosmological systems are self-similar separated by a scale factor of S and a significant difference in the passage of time, factor T. These differences in scale and time, if indeed true, signify that the Universe (the space and time continuum) is intrinsically, both materialistically and dynamically, fractal. This would constitute a fractal space-time continuum. Subsequent research has shown that scaling is also continuous based on velocity and the factors that derive the natural velocities of cosmological objects.

This research is not simply the falsification of this initial hypothesis, but an attempt to resolve all disparaging differences through critical scientific analysis between the two scales, if at all possible, in order to develop a better framework for continual testing. The process of resolving remaining disparaging differences between the two scaled cosmologies is in itself a process in falsification, which ultimately will invalidate or validate the framework through probability. Currently the framework has evolved into a fairly robust predictive platform, never losing touch with its simple foundations and physical context, by deriving many undeniably fascinating results through mathematics and computer simulation. These results indicate that this framework is on the right tack and emerging as a possibility in truly uniting relativistic astrophysics and quantum physics through fractal scale projection.

Ultimately, fractal scale cosmology of this framework may be proven invalid, but the importance as a scientist lies in exploring all possibilities in order to unravel the truth. If the truth is that the Universe and the space-time continuum are not fractal, then that is just as important as finding that it is. As of right now, the probability is that this framework is indeed partially correct considering its results. And the research continues.

For more on my research and the technical specifics of this framework, get a copy of my recent research.

Though I maybe an independent researcher, from my studies and research over many years, here are my conclusions regarding the state of physics:

  • Newtonian physics is correct (to a point)
  • Rutherford-Bohr model is correct (to a point)
  • Einstein’s special and general relativity is correct (with unknowns in quantum
  • gravity, dark matter and energy)
  • quantum physics is correct (specifically the application of probability)
  • a form of Higgs field does exist (a form of ether)
  • a particle similar to the Higgs boson does exist

All this is true, but each have limitations in regards to a fractal topology linking them all together. Given these limitations, our current set of physical laws are not the true core fundamental invariant physical laws of the Universe. If they were, there would be no unknowns or anomalies.

I also believe that the lack of contemporary acknowledgement of the re-emergence of classical physical concepts in modern theories (ex. Higgs field and vacuum energy as forms of ether) is unjust to all those scientists that came before. It is also unjust not to acknowledge the research of contemporaries for reasons beyond science. Modern scientific culture must be truly impartial, objective and critical, void of the politics and socio-economic interests that drive almost all subjective thought, in order to do proper research and actual science.