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Library and Archives Canada (LAC) GPRA Project Collection
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) AMICUS Listing

Title: Fractal Scale Cosmology Framework Summary
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2013-03-05
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-5-7
Here a concise guide to the current state of fractal scale cosmology is given. It describes a unique fractal and velocity dependent scaling framework on quantum and macroscopic cosmology detailing an intrinsic, self-similar correlation to the geometry and material structure fundamentally constituting those cosmologies and respective dynamics. This highly predictive, heuristically formulated framework derives a series of interesting and precise results linking cosmic macroscopic objects to quantum scaled counterparts, and vice-versa. These results include deriving the elementary charge from its macroscopic scale relative, scaling planetary masses to quantum particle charges, describing the explicit relationship between charge and inertial mass of quantum particles, and demonstrating links through scaling between well known physical properties and constants. It further describes a consistent deterministic and mathematical explanation for matter, inertial mass and energy through interaction with a permeating spatial quantum medium (QM) constituted of sub-quantum particles, and subsequently constituted of smaller discretely scaled self-similar mediums and particles by scale factors of S forming a collective quantum medium (CQM). It gives an explicit mechanistic and mathematical explanation for gravity and orbital dynamics, subsequently deriving 43.6 (+/-0.4147) arc-secs for the precession of Mercury through computer simulation using the unique transform equations of this framework. The framework described in this document is continually evolving in order to reconcile all disparaging differences between macroscopic and quantum cosmologies. This research is described in elaborate detail, including simulation source code, in the book “GPRA: Relativity and the Electrodynamics on the Phenomena of Matter and Energy through Scale (GPRA:REPMES)”.

Title: Relativity and the Electrodynamics on the Phenomena of Matter and Energy through Scale
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2012-07-21
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-8-8
This work is a heuristic and stochastic examination of a deterministic and dynamical fractal scale-invariant framework on quantum and macroscopic cosmology detailing an intrinsic self-similar correlation to the geometry and material structure fundamentally constituting those systems. This work presents a collection of empirical results, mathematical and through computer simulation, on a form of fractal scale cosmology dependent on velocity describing the phenomena of matter, inertial mass and energy through interaction with a permeating spatial quantum medium constituted of sub-quantum particles, and subsequently constituted of smaller discretely scaled self-similar mediums and particles, by scale factors of S, while explicitly employing the principle of relativity. The evidence presented here directly relate quantum, atomic and cosmological objects and systems together with high mathematical precision. It explains weak force interaction, details an explicit fractal scale variation on the Higgs mechanism and field, and further explains all fundamental forces, all through the employment of a unique and explicitly defined scale projection of cosmological systems and dynamics on atomic and quantum systems. It also derives the value of 43.6 arc-seconds/century for the perihelion precession of Mercury through computer simulation, employing the derived mathematical scaling transformations of this framework, giving a viable extension to classical gravity theory. The process and evidence presented in this book requires a temporary suspension from traditional thinking for the sake of scientific exploration. It concludes that contemporary physical theories are indeed correct, but limited in fractal topology and of the mechanisms constituting measurable physical phenomena. They are concluded to be a subset of a much larger framework of the fractal scale cosmology described in this book. This book is offered as an aid to further exploration in fractal scale cosmology.

Title: Norse Mythology Rooted in Ancient Mesopotamia: Common Ancient Mythological Pantheon & History Theory Initial Specifications
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2014-06-15
ISBN: 978-1-927015-01-8, 978-1-312-34324-5
Here the initial specifications of a common, historical and mythological based, ancient pantheon is presented through the merging of popular ancient myths and religions with contemporary historical research. This merging of myth through the utilization of etymology, phonology, the genealogical record, the historical record, and regional landmarks, attempts to construct a common story in theme, from which it is hypothesized to represent actual historical events, places, things and people. Initial evidence is presented to aide in constructing a common source of supposedly independent ancient stories. The central premise of this work starts with the hypothesis that Norse mythology is directly connected to ancient Assyria. It is suggested that Norse mythology is a highly preserved generational translation of people and places that actually existed. With a fairly high level of confidence, the primary nine worlds of Norse mythology are believed to have been found in and around the ancient Middle East.

Title: Truth within the Limits of Knowledge
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2011-12-19
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-9-5
This work is an explicit study into what truth is. It demonstrates that knowledge is dependent on the number of unknowns irrespective of what is believed to be true, which would have grave implications on all scientific truths as there are many remaining unknowns. It demonstrates all truths are based on prior truths and unknowns hierarchically, no truth is silo onto itself, that all truths and falsehoods are time based, and that all truths are prescribed based on boundary conditions within probability to allow this reality to be manageable.

Code: GPRA:RR20:U20110322
Title: Realitivistic Relativity (RR) Update 2011-03-22
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2011-03-22
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-3-3
This is an update to recent research using the RR framework. It details a set of interesting results that strongly indicate that all planetoids are potentially the same type of object existing at different kinetic velocities in space-time.

This is part of a larger work that is being compiled. The 1st draft of the last 2 years (2010-2012) of research and results into the RR framework (first started 2007) is finished, though research into this unique framework is ongoing. All I can say is the framework has evolved very slightly and the results have increased. Fascinating stuff!

Code: GPRA:RR20
Title: GPRA Project: Realitivistic Relativity 2.0 Paper (2010)
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2010-03-21
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-3-3
This work introduces an alternative theoretical framework to Einstein’s SRT. It is a velocity dependent relativity theory similar in respect to SRT with regards to length contraction, but significantly different in all other aspects. It includes size scaling dependent on velocity and a Universal static frame of reference. It details that star and atomic systems are the same thing at two different points on the velocity spectrum, where star systems exist at low velocities and atomic systems exist at high velocities near and at the speed of light, and that our Solar System is a celestial Beryllium atom. The mathematical observations detailed in this work are beyond doubt extremely interesting. It mathematically derives the elementary charge 1.6022×10^(-19) C and also derives Avogadro’s constant 6.022×10^(-23). The observations show that mass and charge are the same thing at two different points on the velocity spectrum, that gas-giant planets in the outer system have a direct scale relationship to electrons, that rock planets in the inner system are directly related to neutrons, that the star itself is related to protons and that asteroids are related to photons. This radical, simple and highly intuitive work maps celestial objects to their quantum counter-parts mathematically with extraordinary accuracy.

Title: GPRA Project: Realitivistic Relativity (Presentation 2010)
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2010-02-19
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-1-9
This work introduces an alternative theoretical framework to Einstein’s SRT. It is a velocity dependent relativity theory similar in respect to SRT with regards to length contraction, but significantly different in all other aspects. It includes size scaling dependent on velocity and a Universal static frame of reference. It details that star and atomic systems are the same thing at two different points on the velocity spectrum, where star systems exist at low velocities and atomic systems exist at high velocities near and at the speed of light, and that our Solar System is a celestial Beryllium atom. The mathematical observations detailed in this work are beyond doubt extremely interesting. It mathematically derives the elementary charge 1.6022×10^(-19) C and also derives Avogadro’s constant 6.022×10^(-23). The observations show that mass and charge are the same thing at two different points on the velocity spectrum, that gas-giant planets in the outer system have a direct scale relationship to electrons, that rock planets in the inner system are directly related to neutrons, that the star itself is related to protons and that asteroids are related to photons. This radical, simple and highly intuitive work maps celestial objects to their quantum counter-parts mathematically with extraordinary accuracy.

Code: GPRA:S20S
Title: GPRA Project: Science 2.0 – Schema
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2010-12-31
This paper introduces a new structural protocol for the future progression and evolution of science. This new structure is to be far more progressive and philosophically modern yet strict in its application. This new scientific schema follows closely the general version control standards found in software development. The goal of this paper is to unite all scientists who disagree with the current paradigm under a new philosophical and procedural model in order to better scientific advancement.

Code: GPRA:E20
Title: GPRA Project: Evolution 2.0 – The Hypothesis
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2010-07-14
This work introduces an extension to Darwin`s evolution based on the usage of random in random mutation.

Code: RR
Title: Realitivistic Relativity Paper (Original 2007)
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2007-12-21
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-2-6
This work introduces a scale value (S) between star systems and atoms, details a mathematical relationship between Jupiter’s mass and an electron’s charge, and introduces a velocity dependent scaling theory that essentially turns celestial objects into quantum objects based on their velocity. It also details the effect on the passage of time and force strength within this scaling theory.

Title: The General Principles of Reality A eBook (Flash Paper 2007)
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-0-2
This is the Flash Paper version of GPRA

Code: GPRA
Title: The General Principles of Reality A eBook (2007)
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2007-12-21
ISBN: 978-0-9810242-0-2
This book was a personal project. It is an early initial attempt at aggregating a collection of ideas derived over the course of a decade around the notion of relative realities into a clear list of principles. This work introduces the start of a unification framework between the quantum and macroscopic scales. The accumulative drive of this work is a revision on the perception of everything. It is a must read for anyone truly interested in understanding a different perspective on our Existence.

Code: QCSR
Title: Quantum Celestial Relativity Ratio Paper (Original 2007)
Author: Robert L. DeMelo
Created: 2007-12-21
ISBN: Content in 978-0-9810242-0-2 and 978-0-9810242-2-6
This work introduces a scale value (S) between star systems and atoms, and details a mathematical relationship between Jupiter’s mass and an electron’s charge.